Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Zoo!

I went to the 3rd largest zoo in China and it was amazing. But, here is the deal: I took a ton of photos!!! Way to many. So, I have picked out my favorites to share with you! Take a look:

 Okay, the baby elephant was probably my favorite! He still had little baby fuzz too!!!!

 The panda's had these big slabs of ice to lay on. Sometimes everyone needs one of those here in China!

I took a lot more photos, but I don't want to bore you with them. The zoo was beautiful and I was happy to see how well they treated the animals there. It was also super cool how many of each of the animals they had. They probably had around 20 giraffes!


  1. Sometimes I want a big block of ice to lay on...

  2. that baby elephant is sooo cute! we miss you and hope you're having a good time.
