I'm going to tell you all a little bit about the many modes of transportation here in China. Mostly, because I have had 3 exciting adventures this week that all took place on a Motor-taxi or a Motor-cart. So, here in Zhongshan there is a big shopping mall that we call the Da Fu Yuan. This is where we go to get all of our groceries and basically anything we could need. I normally take the bus there, since the bus that stops right by our apartment comes every 15-20 minutes and it's a straight shot to the Da Fu Yuan. I normally just take the bus back to the apartment as well...that is, when I'm early enough to catch the bus. The last time the bus makes pick up stops is at about 9:20. We've generally been really good at getting to the bus stop on time.
Adventure #1: Well, last week we were over by the Da Fu Yuan and so the other girls wanted to pick up some weekend groceries so that we didn't have to make another trip over the weekend. I wasn't super feeling up to shopping and so Cassie and I decided to go home. We waited at the bus stop for a good 15 minutes before realizing that the bus probably wasn't coming so we decided to approach the mass of Motor-taxi drivers that always bombard you when you walk out of the store. We asked them if they knew where we lived (Jucheng school) and asked how much they would charge. In the end we decided on taking a Motor-cart. A motor-cart is basically a little cart attached to a motor cycle. They are usually covered, which is convenient during the rainy season (which is right now). We hoped on and we were just chit chatting about life and such, when 2 guys on a scooter behind us started waving and trying to speak to us in English. This isn't unusual because every time I've ridden in one of the carts, the people we pass always have awesome facial expressions and often try to communicate with us. The guy on the scooter behind us was trying really hard to try out his English, so every time we stopped at a light he would stop next to us and try to talk. Cassie and I snapped a picture with him:
At one point he pulled out his phone and was motioning towards me, probably asking for my number. But, because I don't how to speak Chinese I couldn't communicate to him that I didn't want to give it to him. This next part is going to freak people out...probably mostly my mom, but I thought it was funny, mostly because I've gotten used to Chinese customs and I didn't feel threatened at all. Haha! Anyways the guy on the scooter somehow convinced out motor-cart driver to pull over so that he could get my number. Cassie and I just started cracking up at this point and trying to communicate with our driver that he could keep going. Luckily, me shaking my head enough times convinced the guy on the scooter that he wasn't going to get my number and we got home safely. It was just one of those moments that makes me think, "I love China!" So many absurd things happen here that would never be accepted in the states.
Adventure #2: On Sunday we go to church in the morning and it takes about 2 hours to get there. We hold Relief Society with a smaller group of people closer to our apartment at about 7 at night. So, this past Sunday we had gone to another apartment for Relief Society and had stayed later to talk to the other girls and have some cake they had made. So we didn't make it to the bus stop in time to take it back to our apartment. We decided to wave over some motor-taxi's. We hadn't ridden them at all and we decided we needed to experience them at least once while we were here. So Cassie and I decided to ride together. Fun fact: so far the most people I've seen on one scooter has been 4 men. They try to fit as many people as they can onto them. Any who, Cassie and I waved one over and tried to hop on. Sadly, I was in a pencil skirt and was not able to straddle the scooter at all. So, my first experience on a motor-taxi was very frightning. I was sitting side-saddle and I was on the back. I could literally feel myself sliding off of the metal extension I was sitting on. I'm pretty sure Cassie was getting really annoyed of how tight I was holding onto her. It was a lot of fun, and we snapped this picture:
Adventure #3: Now that we realize how much quicker it is to take motor-taxi's, we're a little hooked. So, last night after we had gotten our weekend food we decided to take another one. This taxi was way more equipped to take 2 additional people and I felt much safer on it. I didn't even have to hold on as tight as I did the first time, and I was able to finish the smoothie I was drinking while riding it. Note to readers: don't ride a motor-taxi with Cassie in front of you...her hair gets in your mouth! Hahaha!
Also, if Macasnese is out there, I found a Coke for you! Haha!
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